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Custom Goggles For Triathletes

Custom Goggles For Triathletes

  • Friday, 25 August 2023
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Custom Goggles For Triathletes

Whether you're a serious triathlete or just someone who enjoys swimming at the local pool, goggles are an essential part of any swim kit.custom goggles But even if you've never owned a pair, chances are that you've seen other swimmers wearing them, and maybe you've wondered what the big deal is about all those clear plastic goggles with rubber or silicone rims held snugly to their heads. The basic answer is that they help you see underwater by correcting the refraction of light that happens when it passes through your eye and enters the lens. That correction focuses the light and forms images that are then transmitted up to the visual center of your brain.

The trick is getting that light to focus correctly, but the goggles themselves also play a key role in how well you're able to see.custom goggles The best goggles are able to create a tight seal around your face that prevents water from entering, and the most comfortable ones fit so that they press lightly against the skin and your eye socket without ever feeling like they're going to suck your eyeballs out of your head. The best goggles also have a wide and flat strap that distributes the pressure across your head, making them more comfortable to wear and less likely to need to be adjusted during a long swim. And if they're coated with an anti-fog coating, you won't have to worry about them fogging up while you're in the middle of a race or practice session.

If you've had to endure a leaky, uncomfortable pair of swim goggles, then you know how frustrating it can be.custom goggles And for a certain group of swimmers — the so-called "hard to fit" crowd — it can be nearly impossible to find a pair that will actually fit comfortably and not leak porous amounts of water in the process.

Enter Danish entrepreneurs Bo Haaber and Rasmus Barfred, who are both triathletes and co-founders of TheMagic5.custom goggles They made their pitch on Shark Tank this week, and while it's hard to tell what the judges will think, they seem to like what they saw.

TheMagic5's patented technology starts with a scan of the swimmer's face - sort of like a reverse selfie - and then they make a set of goggles that are designed specifically to fit that person's unique facial contours.custom goggles The company's experts use the scan to design a one-of-a-kind goggle gasket that sinks perfectly into the shape of the eyes, and they build a bespoke nose bridge that fits your specific face for a perfect, leak-proof seal.

The resulting goggles are a hit with the company's customers, including some of the world's top professional athletes, including three-time Ironman World Champion Jan Frodeno. But despite their success, TheMagic5 aren't satisfied with the status quo and hope to continue improving their product in order to offer their swim goggles to as many people as possible. For more information, visit their website.

Tags:racing goggles | swimming goggles - black | swimming goggles accessories

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